At the University of Chicago, I have served as a TA for substantive, methodological, and Core courses. Before coming to the University of Chicago, I served as a TA at Wesleyan University and at Cheshire Correctional Institution through Wesleyan’s Center for Prison Education. In Fall 2024, I designed and taught an upper-level sociology seminar called "Gender, Violence, and the Carceral State."
Selected student evaluations:
"I absolutely loved the way Anna structured the classes. There are tons of very engaging activities that make reading feel fulfilling and class time go by so fast. I love especially when Anna brings in her own work and first hand accounts, you can tell she is so well– versed in the topic and passionate."
"The readings were all excellently selected: I ended up citing the majority of them in my final paper. The daily discussion posts helped me synthesize my thoughts and remember specific passages of interest for in–class discussion. I also gained a considerable amount of knowledge from the discussions themselves, not only through hearing the connections my peers were making but also in the guiding questions asked by the professor. Anna's in–class activities (whether discussing in small groups short transcripts from interviews with police or drawing diagrams representing the interlocking parts of the carceral system) contributed significantly to my learning by, again, encouraging the synthesis of ideas."
"I highly recommend [Gender, Violence, and the Carceral State] to anyone who is interested in the material. Anna is an excellent instructor and leads discussions in a way that really facilitates learning and engagement with the material."
"[Gender, Violence, and the Carceral State] was both comprehensive and sophisticated, reaching both broadly and deeply into sociological canon and extra–sociological literature. If you're interested in a sociology course that has plenty of great papers to read but also non–academic material, this is a great course for you."